"U" is for unusual use
ABC Wednesday see more under: http://mrsnesbittsplace.blogspot.com/
and last but not least http://www.wordlesswednesday.com/ wednesday on a special
daily saarbruecken impressions expressions
Eindrücke und Zwischenmenschliches aus saarbrücken
23 Kommentare:
hehe That is awesome!!! What a wonderful way to reuse something old!
That is unusual,indeed!
yes indeed...really unusual :D
Mine in here Thanks
Very unusual! But pretty! HAppy WW!
You definite capture the U and the unusual.
Why not! Seems like a good idea these days, the owner probably uses a bicycle now!
utterly utilitarian
Great shot -- I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that... Around here the "arty crowd" likes to glue all sorts of stuff on their cars -- they call them art cars -- but I think I like the plant idea much better...
yep, that's a really good idea... and it does look nice!
This is really unusual!
Undergrowth taking over. Mother nature recycling. Excellent u, well done.
I love it!
Excellent idea for "U"!!!
(thanks for the visit to mine!)
This is fantastic! What a great way to reUSE and recycle! :D
A pretty picture for your U word.
Now that's very unusual--and at closer inspection, very beautiful.
Unique post!
Happy Wednesday.
Indeed that is an UnUsUal Use of a trUck!
"LoUis" did Urban Art.
What a great truck!!! Very unusual....
Mine is here.
U like unauthorized long time parking !
Bet it takes ages to start the engine! LOL!
This is a really unusual use!! I not sure if I like it or not! LOL!
But I like your photo for sure!
Petunia's ABC
Unusual? Yes!
...but this car has some cab friends in my area. Two old-fashioned cabs that are decorated in flowers - lovely! :-) (Ok, they're not covered in flowers like the car on your picture is - hehehe)
How wonderful!
Bonito modo de aprovechar un viejo coche.
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