"Z" is for zoom upwards and no this is not an all-weather zoo
ABC Wednesday see more under: http://mrsnesbittsplace.blogspot.com/
and last but not least http://www.wordlesswednesday.com/ wednesday on a special
daily saarbruecken impressions expressions
Eindrücke und Zwischenmenschliches aus saarbrücken
7 Kommentare:
The most ineffective watering system I've ever seen - seems like the advertising hoardings are getting more spray than the grass!!
Bodge's Bulletin
Nice one, cool catch for ww... Mine's up too hope you can drop by.
Totally baffled me.
Hope you took an umbrella!
Not quite doing the job it's meant to is it. Very nicley shot again though.
An interesting way to water. :D
Yes, definately needs some attention! LOL!
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